Exhibitor/Sponsor Agreement
This Exhibitor/Sponsor Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into at the date of purchase by the exhibitor/sponsor making the purchase of a exhibitor or sponsorship “package” (“package”) (“Sponsor”) between Vanlife Outfitters (“Organizer”) and the Sponsor.
No employer/employee relationship is established or implied with this agreement. The Organizer has no liability or responsibility to the Sponsor beyond the scope of this agreement.
Benefits provided to the Sponsor by the Organizer are determined by the “package” purchased by the Sponsor as detailed in the sponsorship information deck linked below. The Sponsor may make modifications to these benefits at any time.
The Sponsor grants the Organizer the right to use their intellectual property in promoting the event, including logos and other brand trademarks.
The purchased “package” is not transferable for any reason. If the Sponsor cannot meet the financial requirements of this agreement, the Sponsor agrees to provide written notification to the Organizer in a timely manner so that the Organizer may find another suitable sponsor.
Anything not expressly addressed in this agreement’s terms shall be governed by the contract laws of Florida.
The Sponsor agrees to the following conditions for sponsoring and attending the event:
- Complete the required information request form within 15 days of purchasing their “package”.
- Arrive by 11am on the Thursday prior to the event start and complete their exhibitor setup by 6pm that day.
- All vehicles, either on display or on the premises of the event shall have Vanlife Outfitters, LLC named as additional insured on a Certificate of Insurance.
- Maintain their exhibit and team presence until at least 6pm on the final full day of the event (Sunday).
- Electric and water hookups are NOT included unless otherwise specified in the “package” benefits or purchased as an upgrade at additional cost.
- No generators are allowed.
- Bring a van, trailer, displays or product to present to attendees.
- Collaborate in promoting the event via existing channels: social media, email newsletters, website, etc.
- Obey all event rules and terms applicable to event attendees (click here to read).
- Consider providing 1x or more items for the raffle.
- To indemnify and hold harmless Vanlife Outfitters, LLC, its agents, employees, and volunteers from and against any and all liability, claims, allegations, expenses, including defense costs and legal fees, and claims for damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, those arising from breach of contract, bodily injury, economic loss, death, personal injury, property damage, loss of use, or property loss.
- Shall not use golf carts, ebikes, onewheels and similar motorized equipment inside the event area for any reason is whatsoever without express written permission from event organizer. You shall solely be responsible for any accidents, bodily harm, injuries, damage to property and the equipment itself while using such equipment at the event.
- All tent legs, or awning legs must be appropriately secured to the ground via the appropriately weighted weights and tie downs.
- Shall break down all boxes and take trash to dumpsters before leaving the event.
- To follow all state, local and venue rules related to alcohol use and open container laws.
- Shall not move a vehicle (with the engine on) during show hours.
- Shall only have the agreed upon vehicles in your show space.
- Shall not be issued a refund for planning, logistical, or vehicle related issues.
- Shall not leave the event early (prior to 7pm on the Sunday of the event, arrive late (see above) or break down early (prior to 7pm on the Sunday of the event) unless Organizer has given written permission to do so.
- Shall not promote any another event unrelated to Peace Love & Vans (you will be asked to leave).
- You’re welcome to bring any type of food and drinks to the event for your own/your team’s consumption. However, you may not serve food or beverages to attendees due to local regulations. Food, beverages or drinks are NOT included with any exhibitor/sponsorship package.
- Camping: exhibitors/sponsors are welcome to camp at your designated exhibitor/sponsor space but all camping equipment/vehicles must fit inside your allocated space. For instance, if you have a 30’ RV your allocated space must be at least 30’. Some exhibitor/sponsor “packages” include Groovy Grove camping tickets.
All “package” sales are final and will not be refunded unless the event is canceled by the Organizer.